A Walk Around La Judería of Córdoba (the Jewish quarter/old town)

Córdoba isn’t one of the most famous cities in Andalucía and is often unfairly overlooked.

However, UNESCO hasn’t overlooked Córdoba as its centre is recognised as a World Heritage Site, along with the recently awarded Medina Azahara, 20 minutes out of the city.

UNESCO recognises Córdoba’s Historic Centre as its Mezquita, Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, Roman Bridge and Calahorra Tower and the streets all around the district of the Mezquita.

This area is known as La Judería which means the Jewish Quarter.

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La Feria de Córdoba: A Week Long Celebration of Local Culture and Fiesta

The Feria of Córdoba is arguably THE most important event in the calendar of this city and as it is literally and figuratively such a colourful occasion laden with history and tradition, I will warn you now this is a long but hopefully interesting post with plenty of pictures and information!

Continue reading “La Feria de Córdoba: A Week Long Celebration of Local Culture and Fiesta”

A Brief Guide to the Alcázar de Los Reyes Cristianos of Córdoba

I never tire of seeing the Alcázar of Córdoba from across the street as I’ve written several times before on this blog, it makes me feel like I’ve stepped back in history to the al-Andalus era.

Its full name, the ‘Alcázar de Los Reyes Cristianos’, comes from the very people who re-built the once Visigothic structure in order to commemorate Spain’s reconquest from Islam back to Christianity in the 13th century.

Continue reading “A Brief Guide to the Alcázar de Los Reyes Cristianos of Córdoba”